Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ONCE...snowing and -17C

I'm here again..almost 2 weeks already. This time I traveled light as my colleague told me (before he returned to Kiev) that it's still 15c. Sick of getting my luggage lock broke, I brought 1 hand-carry luggage with my notebook bag. Things I bring (including the one 1 wear tht day):
  1. 1 long-sleeve shirt
  2. 1 black pant
  3. 1 jeans (501 of course)
  4. 1 short
  5. 2 short-sleeve round-neck t-shirts
  6. 2 short-sleeve collared t-shirts
  7. 1 long-sleeve round-neck t-shirt
  8. 1 sweater
  9. 1 sport jacket (malaysian one..not for winter)
  10. 3 pairs of socks
  11. 10 briefs (dun wanna buy again)
  12. 1 pair of black shoe
  13. 1 pair of sport shoe
  14. 1 pair of winter glove (bought in mar 2009)
  15. 1 winter hat (kgb style bought in mar as well)
In front of my apartment..1st winter jacket

Felt the coldness in Schipol and I put on my sweater and jacket. In Borispol, I'm freezing in the bus to the terminal and while waiting for the car ! Lucky the apartment has central heater. My colleague here told me that the temperature just drop a day before I arrived. And the day I arrived, it's snowing. Kinda bringing them the possibility of having white Christmas hehehe..

After futsal ngan sorang melayu ngalahkan mat saleh pakai short tgh2 snow..

My friend sold me one of his long-john and the next day, at 2C..I can't stand it anymore and bought my first (and only i guess) winter jacket. On sale now so got it cheap. There weather also made wanna quite smoking as it is freaking cold. It was -10C on Mon, and I don't dare to freeze my fingers just to puff 'em. But yesterday was bad ! :( I walked out from home and didn't feel as fingers seems okey. I thought I've acclimatized I bought a new pack. Apparently, it was -4C yesterday..but today it's -17C !!!

Snow gettin thicker..survived with my winter coat & shoes

Owh, another stuff that helped me survive, my first (and only again) winter shoe which i bought on Sun. Before lunch I asked my colleague here for souvenir shops nearby as to go to Kreshatik would be quite far. There's one at the Metro station, but he didn't offer to go there with me at all. He normally would go lunch with I guess he don't wanna walk 15 minutes in that weather. So, I walked there..and really challenging with the winds...sun helps a bit. Can't really feel the warmness but seeing it kinda gave me warmth. On the way back, had lunch at the pizza restaurant..had salmon steak and americano then head back to office.

One thing for sure when I return to have nasi lemak and teh tarik...and KFC (err this one has been long overdue..b4 i came here..and here of course..not halal..)...can't wait to be home...