Monday, January 04, 2010

ONCE...2010 year...started with mixed feelings. Had great time actually during new year's eve...watched fireworks..had a good chat and fabulous companion. Where does it lead to..? For now..I don't know...hope God shows me the way and guide me.

Weekend mostly filled with work...great way to start new year eh ? Been working the whole Sat & fact yesterday till 3am..need to do ironing some more..hands ironing and brain exploring..thinking or even dreaming...slept at 4.30am and woke-up at 8am...

During the weekend, I've got mixed feelings...things that I thought was right...and accepted suddenly overturned. Some extend I don't understand why. But again, we're human. Sometimes we forget...we have expectations..and that lead us to depression and frustration.

What I learned from last year is not to have any expectations. That reduce the chance of being hurt and disappointed. That doesn't mean you don't need to have aims. Aim and work hard towards it. God's will get what you're aiming for...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having no expectations, I almost agree with that. I want to say, just expect people to screw up, but that seems wrong as well, or a bit of a bitter statement at least. Then again, I'm very bitter. lol. I'd say, in the end, people are people. We win and fail, all at the same time. Having compassion and seeing your faults helps greatly in forgiving and understanding others. At least that's what I think. Also, understanding that nothing anyone does is because of you helps in ways you cant really understand until you take that into your heart.

In any event, have faith, and a wonderful year!

Geneva (found your log randomly)