Sunday, March 06, 2011

ONCE...who would know ? (once more..)

Almost a month...and I called it off. Either I've higher expectations, or no expectations, or demanding, or reluctant to entertain such attention demanded upon me...what have I become ? Am I at fault ? Am I selfish ?

Do I care about what people said to me ? Nope. Just like what my long-lost friend that prefer to remain that way, still blaming me after all these years. I'm not sure what I do wrong with her, but if that's the way she wanted it...doesn't require a bad fella like me to become her friend, so be it.

Enough with boring stories..last Friday I've got my 2nd PO !! huhu...seems like I got my POs every Friday..should I be looking forward for the coming Friday ? Work hard, play hard !!

O Allah, guide me please...


Unknown said...

she doesn't want a batman, just robin... sapa soh pakai spek itam tu, kan dah macam belalang tempur, takut ler itu org ya?

2nd PO already? 10% la gini... best2!!!

Haizam said...

batman..? hahaha..let it be la..

today (i.e. fri 18 mar) got another one hehehe..buleh2..25% oso can.. :p