Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Finally, i managed to finish up Cinta. I'd say it's the first malay movie that made me errm...having teary eyes. I was touched when Lis started to cry and telling papa that she wanna come with him. Such a young age but great talent (where the heck did they manage to find such talent...after all this year..?!!), real and original tears coming from her. And for God knows reason, i got teary eyes.

But that's nothing compared to the scene where Dhani got to know about his sister's fate. His screaming was nothing..but when the white umbrella appeared, i was so ............. my eyes, my lips (well..u know honey) and my heart...

One word flashed on my mind at that time..."...ayah...".

Monday, February 19, 2007

ONCE...perihal lalang

Lalang dalam perumpamaan melayu menjurus kepada insan yang tidak tetap pendirian. Kekanan ditiup angin, kekanan lah ia. Kekiri kalu, maka kekiri pulak la dia.

Semalam aku terbaca artikel dlm Mingguan Wanita (2-8 Feb) dlm ruangan Setitis Embun (pg 57). Sebuah pandangan yang amat menarik mengenai "lalang". Lalang seperti sifatnya amat sukar untuk dibasmi. Kalu dipotong, dia cuma pendek dan akan panjang dlm masa yg singkat. Bertiuplah angin sekencang mana, dia cume akan tunduk mengikut kehendak angin. Akan tetapi, tidak dia berganjak dari tempatnya. Pokok mungkin tumbang, rumah mungkin roboh tetapi lalang tetap teguh didasarnya.

Hanya satu cara untuk menghapuskan lalang. Bongkar akarnya, punahkan dasarnya, bakar daunnya, dan buang abunya kelaut. Sebagai org Islam, dasar kita harus kukuh, tidak berganjak walau bagaimana sekalipun dunia berubah. Peredaran zaman diikuti, modernisasi perlu untuk maju tetapi nilai dan dasar Islam harus tegus bertapak. Seperti lalang...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

ONCE...on SiS

Last friday i received an article talking about SiS's agenda for 2007. Fighting poligamy on the ticket of womens' rights, human rights, equality, etc. So, the article is talking about this people being educated abroad, exposed to western cultures and stuff, thus carrying those values to fight for feminisme which is against what is already in Al-Quran.

Simply put, are they trying to say that what Allah said is not good for them, for the people, for the women ? SiS's points among others are family institution failed because of poligamy, childrens left unattended or abused or not taken care of, social problems (teenagers) because of failure in family institution as the father married more than one. There are so many other reasons why those things happen and there are also many cases where big family (poligamy) have good, solid and successful childrens..living in harmony some more.

I'm not trying to discuss this in great details as i need to run for meeting now. But, what am thinking to do is to setup an NGO for poligamist. Membership open for poligamist and poligamist-wanna-be. Success stories will be published, tips and guidance from successful poligamist to poligamist-wanna-be to ensure a strong, solid and good family institution uphold despite being poligamist. Nice or not ? :D

signing off...

ONCE...feels like writing

I really wanna post something (a lot actually). But then, i don't know where to start. So many topics to discuss here...but, there are elements of confidentiality, sensitivity and extreme would be suicidal ! The thing is, when i have the idea and the points, i just compose it on my mind. Then, "waa..good good..mesti gempak punya.." after that, continue my work. Then, there's no internet connection, no time to go online (not even to turn on my notebook) and when i really have all the means (like now)..."what to write ah ?".

hmm...seems like coming already...so i signed off here first..checkout my next post ;)

ONCE...kata-kata hikmat

Kata-kata nih datang dari Dr Fadilah Kamsah dlm satu ceramah la...

"Seorang lelaki normal, pasti ada keinginan untuk beristeri dua. Dua perkara saje yg menjadi penentu; mampu dan berani. Ada lelaki yang mampu, tapi tak berani. Ada lelaki yang berani, tapi tak mampu..jenih ni ramai. So, dia akan jadi bila lelaki tu ada dua2 (mampu dan berani).
Sekiranya lelaki itu tidak ada langsung keinginan untuk beristeri dua, maka dia bukan lelaki yang normal"

hehehe...aku mesti la nak jadik lelaki normal..so kena ada keinginan la kan hehehe..jgn marah dear :D