Tuesday, July 15, 2008

ONCE...experience with Koreans

In ICMS project, I've got the opportunity to work with Koreans and Australians apart from our local members. There's lots of challenges dealing with Koreans. In fact, some of my colleague in game industry did advised me to be extra care when dealing with them.

Not that bad actually. My observation and experience dealing with them for almost a year now, they're very proud people and humble as well. They're very serious with their work and push only for the best. But if we ponder deep enough, it's common to all races or nationality. We do have Malaysians like that as well. But perhaps, it's easier to brand other people as difficult, hard-headed as the assumptions of different cultures and behaviours. Some I agree...some I don't.

The new PM that came in March is damn good at technical. No doubt about it. But, his problem is he don't want to adapt to our environment. Good because he can work and deliver the project on time...bad because he keep saying "..in Korea, the customer..." or "..in Korea, we...". Our local partner also just patch-up with me last 2 weeks. Before that, they have been distancing from me..one of the reason, they don't want me complaining to much about the new PM. They came to me, when they also can't handle the new PM...meaning the problem has gone from bad to worse.

Complaint raised to Korea and the VP came last week to resolve the issue. I spoke to him, put my stand and options, and ask him to resolve by end of last week. As we thought everything went smoothly with the VP, on Fri it turned out differently. Both the VP and new PM went to the customer and our assumption is complaining about the project. The customer also call for emergency meeting this Wed to resolve the issue.

I briefed my boss on the issue, and we call for meeting yesterday. I shared the concerned, they presented their case...we lay the expectations and at the end we agreed on the approach. Apparently, during dinner, turns out that the VP and new PM has different views. Problem still exist. I asked the local partner to solve this problem, prepare contingency plan and advice me on the outcome.

Today, the new PM seems ok with me. And best part is he listen to me now hehehe. So, I called Hj and asked him to postpone the meeting tomorrow. But, he said if the issues has been resolved, might as well call-off the meeting. "You as the PM decide..should we postpone or call-off ?" "ok ji...we call-off". Some points that they mentioned are noted and I will work towards that.

All in all...it's been challenging..it's been exciting...and it's worth doing. Experience wise...priceless :D

1 comment:

Kembara Musafir said...

alaaa... kasi hantam jer all those people... hehehe... sajer jer lepas geram...:)