Saturday, December 31, 2011

ONCE...2011 coming to an end

In a couple of hours, 2011 will come to an end.  It has been a great year for me...for both good and bad.  It brought new experiences to me...totally new in fact.  Never before I've such an interesting journey that gather so much experiences.

With the end of 2011, it is complete 365 days for me being in Sales.  I felt deeply when I didn't manage to meet.  I had known for long that I won't be able to meet...however, new feeling arrived 2 days before closing.  I shared it with my big boss yesterday...the feeling of embarrassment and humiliation came strongly in me.  Even though I'm used to nasty jokes...this one felt in my heart.  Not that I have any ill feelings with my friends, but it's just me feeling that way.  And I will make sure that I won't get that feeling again next year.

In this thrilling 365 days, I got to know better the people surrounding me.  The friends, colleagues, closed and buddies.  Within and among them who turned out having different opinion about me eventually.  My friendliness was treated wrongly which asked me to think again on how should I treat them.  It's either I changed the way I behave or just ignore them as I used to do to all non-worthy-people-of-my-time.  Will see how 2012 goes.

It made me wonder whether have I worked hard enough as hard as I played for the pass 365 days.  I tend to believe that it is just my perception since the result does not portray as such.  Perhaps, I should try to play less and work harder for the next 365 days.

I just realized that most of my words above kinda soul-searching or self-realization or in a much simpler words...BAD !  I know I had my moments as well.  Great ones.  Let's see...among them, I managed to build great rapport with my core customers...I managed to continue my close rapport with previous customer...I managed to close the gaps in the office...I'm in control on how I do and prepare my submissions...improved my golf play...reunited with long lost friends...and I think the most of it is, reignite my desire to stay ahead from the rest of the herds..!  I'm sure I've lot more than that but only those that came across my mind as I'm writing this post.

Insya-Allah, Gods willing...2012 will be a better year for me...thank you 2011, syukur Alhamdulillah, thank God for all the sweet and sour memories...signing off for 2011..adios !!! da svidania !!!

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