Friday, October 05, 2012

ONCE...great wins !!!

I received one good news after raya..clarification meeting. It was said that no matter I agree or don't agree in that meeting, I will still got the deal. Being us, we agree to most of it where we believed would help them better.

Early Sept we kicked-off the project. In fact, I'm still nervous that time as I haven't received the LoA yet. It was just few minutes before it started that I received the LoA which marked clearly that we won the deal. Thank God!! Alhamdulillah...

Yesterday, we had our BFF Ryder Cup 2012. The first one in fact. Before the Ryder Cup, I told people that we are like USA...Public Sector & Infra Services Dept vs PEC-T ( rest of the world in MB). When USA lost to Europe, I hope we won't be like them.

On paper, I might not won..even few friends told me that I can. My boss counted me as one of the potential winners. Through out the match, i was charging all the way. 1 up from first hole and never in an A/S position. Herfa on the other hand, being like Ian Poulter, made a comeback from 3 down to win 4&3. I won 3&2..and overall..WE ARE THE BFF RYDER CUP 2012 !!!

Overall results:

1. Nordin vs Wong (4 & 3)
2. Remy (2 up) vs Ming Heng
3. Herfa (4 & 3) vs Amir
4. Haizam (3 & 2) vs Zahrain
5. Arman vs Darren (2 up)

Thank you guys..kudos and we shall meet again soon.

The Players : Left (Red) - PEC-T vs Right (Green) - Public Sector & Infra Svc

Buddies and Opponents

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