Saturday, November 17, 2012

ONCE... catastrophic

This week is very challenging.  It started like two weeks ago.  When all my items are ready for delivery but site wasn't ready till late Dec.  I foresee the doomsday on my part.  And my boss doesn't make it any easier by sharing our situation.

When we brainstormed on the interim idea, I planned to call all the technical teams and share my expectations.  However, it happened earlier as concerns raised by my beloved SA.  It turned out good and bad.  Good for the team and project, but bad for her as I swing my 7 iron on her head.  I told her I don't like to see people tai-chi in front of me and especially external.  If you dare to lead, you own.  Anyway, that would be a different post altogether.

On that same day I briefed my boss on the plan since he will be on leave on Friday.  After listening attentively, he said, "it has to can't will be catastrophic if we failed.".  Not much I can say except, "I understand boss.".

After much meeting and discussions, brainstorming and whacking, preparing as well as managing temper and anxiety, today I received an email stating that our interim may need to be put on hold.  Good news received on the site that making our interim plan seems irrelevant.  It also made my day in the office now, irrelevant.  One thing for sure, I need to alert all my teams on the change of plan and the way to move forward.  It might also mean I can skip the 9am meeting on Monday morning in KL hahahahaha...

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