Saturday, April 20, 2013

ONCE...there, I said it...

It has been almost two months of exploring...gathering info, analyzing facts, cross checking references to a sound decision making.  Even if we use the most sophisticated system in the world, it won't be a perfect decision.  Decision making is just a checkpoint leading towards the path chosen...another journey to start...and definitely, there will be another checkpoint (sooner or later), where another decision has to be made.

Today, I said it.  What I held so close to me...fearing of making another mistake again...but even then, it is as almost, closing my eyes and go for it.  I hope this is the best and this is final.  Really exhausted to revisit it and start the processes all over again.  I pray for the journey for this decision today, would be smooth sailing.  No doubt there will be challenges and pain, but hope I can steer and endure it successfully.  Insya-Allah...

1 comment: said...

So nice blogger