Friday, June 30, 2006

ONCE...let's do it ! (?)

It has been very interesting development this week. ABDM tucked in her letter on Wed and caught LC off-guard. It was such a short meeting, that I'm also surprised. Then, LC asked me to go for a drink and she asked me whether is it possible for me to postpone my plan. If possible, both plans. I told her that I can postpone "going to work" but am going to start my own. But, when I go out for my business, it can be for the co as well. (I almost can see her first drop..but she's such a strong woman).

Anyway, I didn't say anything yet. But, that night, I've discussed with my wife. "She has done her part with Feng Shui. Have you done yours with Waqiah that mum told ?" Well, that's true..zikr that my mentor taught also not being practiced. However, I've started doing istikharah..but yet to come. For now, I'm going to focus on both companies. Furthermore, no offer on the table as yet.

Discussion with Foo last night was good, his call also good..and meeting with him just now also good. Hope for the best next week. We've talked to ABDM, and we'll know her decision next week.

I handed my card to LC..she's telling me that she'd pre-empt that I'm not going to be full-time here. I told her that Foo & ABDM knew it already. So, I shared her my plan on NDC, and she said might as well disclose. Easier ! Then, can move address here as well. Well, interesting thought indeed.

I'll consider that...and now, roll the sleeves...and let's do it !

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