Tuesday, July 09, 2019


4th of July is the Independence Day for USA.  For me, that day in 2019 is the day that I signed for something that I never imagined before.  By signing means I owe that much...and also perhaps I have something worth that much as well.  Even on the dotted lines...I'm still contemplating.  But well...it is already 5 days after the fact...means I signed it anyway.

Guess it started when I was asked to lead my own team this year.  Many discussions went by since Nov 2018...expectations on both sides was tabled.  Then, in Feb I approached them to say my disappointment.  Apparently, there was a request from high above that I changed/improved few things:

  1. attire - no more T-shirts no matter how cool it may seems
  2. punctuality - I had my arguments but never mind
  3. language - I must behave and no longer use harsh (vulgar?) words in my email
I take it as a challenge then...even I was impressed with my attendance 😅.  The conditions was for 2 months.  In April I was given a letter...but I turned it back as my expectation was not met.  I refused to take the offer.  On the same day, I got what I sought for (unfortunately at 500 discount..demmit!).  After that we are off to Bukit Tinggi for our so-called Off-site Meeting.  It was sweet and lovely hahahaha...

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