Sunday, September 20, 2009

ONCE...raya 20092009

Just realized that this year's raya fall on the 20 Sept 2009 (20.09.2009)...such a nice number. Spent time at Kg since late nite yesterday...fair to say about 24 hours ago...only slept after subuh..then woke-up at 9am, go to the market to pick-up the chicken...helped mom out with the chicken and onion and other stuffs for rendang...took a nap from 1pm till 3pm.

Then, cook the nasi himpit...buka puasa...then rendang...then chiffon cake...then the icing...of course the in-between waiting for my sister...and almost everybody still awake...felt soo good...of course I missed my kids...spoke to Nu' daughter as usual blend into the kg thingy with her young aunts and cousins...anyway, Allah so Great that both Ila & Ira was soo manja with me...

This shall be one of the greatest Raya I've ever had...


WIWIN1711 said...


U become my best fren since i was born and for me u r the best 'fren' i ever had. Wa dah lama tak tgk lu ceria dan kali ni wa rasa wa dah dapt balik abg wa yg dh lma hilang. Miss 'U' a lot. Wa bleh nampak lu ceria dlm kerinduan dn lu bleh contact wa kalu ader apa2 tp lu tau2 je lah kja wa mcm mana. Anyway thanx a lot to be my bro, fren and best fren. Take care,

Adios amigos hasta pronto
cikapot kerewak sibuntet skeper

Haizam said...

thx alot bro..very touching one...will remember that..thx for being there when i need someone...