Monday, November 14, 2005

ONCE...Raya without my Father

This is the 1st time we are celebrating Aidil Fitri without Ayah. What I don't quite understand is...why we don't miss him so much ? It was as if he'd left us for some time. But it's just 4 months ! I went to visit him on the Raya's eve...sedekah Yasin and doa. During 'beraya' session, only my sister cried. Maybe because during his funeral, everything was done in lightning speed. Even if I was in Jakarta that time, I'd surely not be able to see him for the last time. He don't want to be delayed. "Don't wait for anybody! Execute it as fast as possible." that was his request. And that was exactly, how we've done it.

"Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat Allah sentiasa...Amin"

This year, I wanna go to most (if not all) my relatives' house. I told my wife, "we are going to jalan sakan this year :D"...surely she loves it! No doubt, people really excited that I came. Mak Andak really surprised that we came yesterday..."see, people do love to see you come to their house" told my wife. Ye le...I appreciate it better now. So, this weekend would be to her relatives and friends.

This weekend also need to spend some time at home. Need to cut the grass, clean the floor, decorate a bit, make it like a 'real' home again. Since her company's dinner that she thought would be this weekend actually is next month, guess we'll be spending more time at PA. Whoever wanna come, better call first la oh...otherwise, sorry no cure ler...

Funny !!! That day I have so many things to put in here...but then...gone with the wind...dunno why like that.

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