Wednesday, November 23, 2005

ONCE...World Toilet Day

19th November has been declared as the World Toilet Day! As reported last Saturday in NST we have to treat toilet with respect. No doubt our public toilets are dirty. Since it is World Toilet Day.. hey ! it's not only in Malaysia...the whole world have the same problems! And we have the World Toilet Organization to monitor, advice, educate and speak about best standards in Toilet Design, Cleanliness, Maintenance, Quality of Work and Sanitation Technologies. So, it's more than just "Respect to Toilets!".

Anyway, why our public toilets are so dirty ? Not condusive ? Low hygiene ? It's because IT IS NOT MINE !!! Obviously, our toilet at home, we'll make sure we flush after use, put up the toilet seat, decorated nicely, try not to wet the whole toilet, put rubbish (tissue or whatever..) in the dustbin, etc. But when we are at public toilets, we don't care one...throw the tissue and rubbish in the toilet bowl (because if it stucks there, that toilet that have the problem, the smell..and not MY toilet), don't bother to flush (next person will...nasib laa), squat on toilet that leave shoe-prints among others. For PLUS RnR's toilet is clean and comfortable because they have dedicated people to take care of the toilets (which is one of the objectives of WTO; professional restroom cleaners).

The IT'S NOT MINE mentality not only speaks itself at the toilet. We can see at public parks, public parkings, restaurants, trunk road/highways among others. People simple wind-down their window and throw a bag of junk-food waste, soft-drink cans out of their car. They must be thinking "don't u create a mess in my beautiful car...out u go!!!". Well, it's not my road. Another example, at RnR parking bay, as he about to continue his journey, he emptied his door container from all the receipts, sweets covers there and then. The dustbin is just 10 steps away ! Will he do it at his porch ?! I wish that I have the guts (authority better) to scold (if not punch his dumb, stupid, big head) him for doing that.

That also goes to our public/civil service servants...THIS IS NOT MY COMPANY ! I'M HERE TO GET MY SALARY ONLY ! WORK IS ALWAYS THERE ! To say solely the mentality lies in civil servants is not fair, because most employees have that mindset. Sadly for does exist in my company as well...

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