Friday, December 09, 2005 reform (1)

My first progress report... I've monitored the team according to the plan & schedule, checking with the PM on the progress and what not. I've also spread the news that we have put up the plan & schedule at the new Whiteboard (just newly hung there actually), so that everybody can see who's who, when and how the resources are being distributed. Another reason is for the team member themselves to see who has more assignments. That in one way, can be considered as performance indicator and bring the competition-to-perform-better environment among the team members.

Last week, I made them tidy-up the cubicles and the 2nd pantry because I want it to be the 2nd discussion area for the team (the board hangs there as well). And I'm glad that this environment made it easy for everybody to sit down (have a drink or lepak) and looking at the board! At one point I realized, "what is TM doing ? he's not in the resource graph at all ?!!" Then, I had a chat with him and these are the things that he need to do:

   1. Be prepared and updated with the project status all the time so that when I asked, the answer will come immediately rather than "I need to check with them first".
   2. Improve his delivery method. The request from Sales team for demo or feedback from customer or solution for customers' inquiries/project must be attended soonest possible. If there's no solution yet, inform them when can he get back with the solution. If request for demo, then get the exact requirements for the demo (when, where, what, etc.) and suggest whether we can accommodate immediately (we have it already) or require some time (for customization or prototype development).
   3. Internal system. Plan, design, implement and monitor internal system for Project, Product Development and Sales synchronization. This is to improve effectiveness and efficiency to increase productivity.
   4. Performance measurement mechanism and SOP on technical unit operations.

So, looking back at my decision, 1 and 3 as planned, but not yet for 2 and 4 together with TM. Looking at the team progress, just had discussion with TM at 9 pm, few changes were made:

   1. AD#1 to drop ePurS v2.0 till end of the year, concentrate in preparing the relevant documents for MGS, managing NL and AS.
   2. AD#2 to drop MPS and PRS, concentrate in preparing and submitting the relevant documents for IGM, managing PNK, planning and recommendation on MyI based on the feedback from customers.
   3. Dev#1 completed MyI (x+1 day), as NL have not kick-off yet (NL yet to confirm the kick-off date), so rope him in for MGS. Assg given on Thursday.
   4. Dev#2 yet to complete PNK (x+3 days). New dateline is today but still 1 report pending. Monday he should start on MGS already but seems like will need to push a bit. All IGM's dev put on-hold.
   5. Dev#3 started picking up on .NET, but will be re-assg for MGS on Monday. All IGM's dev on-hold.
   6. Prg001 has yet to complete BIS (x+5 days) as he was pushed to take-up his previous role (few proposals and meetings to attend to). AS re-engineering put on-hold for MGS.

I've told TM, based on the current situation, as much as possible try to not involving Prg001 for MGS. No doubt he is REQUIRED, but try to put him as the last resort. Looking at MGS that are depending on other project deliveries to get it's resources, I've told TM that given the flexi-hours, the condition is the JOB GETS DONE ! Meaning, if PNK supposed to be completed today and Monday will be new assg, he has to do whatever it takes (read: weekends) to complete it.

Today, Dev#1 is on leave, high-fever because of tired this morning can't wake-up (and that was told by AD#1 before Friday prayer). So, during my discussion just now with TM, I told him to call Dev#1. Ask about his condition, concern a bit, eventhough AD#1 has informed, but as TM he has to call him personally. So that we know whether the condition is severe or not, advice him accordingly, assist if he may require it. The information also needed so that we can plan accordingly for his assg next week rather than caught by surprise again (like today).

22nd Dec will be our Strategic Planning for 2006 (SP2006). I've asked TM to prepare the SOP, performance measurement and reports, recommendations and planning for 2006 for SP2006. I've told BDM also to prepare the market update and sales strategy for 2006 to meet RM 3mil target. TM was adviced to sit in the Sales preparation discussion for SP2006 before he do the Technical one. I will prepare some strategy for Branding, Sales & Technical for that as well...and I've requested to sit-in in their pre-SP2006 discussion.

This week has been a very active week for my brain. And it gets very active after midnight. Really excited with the new knowledge on Branding, IBM's technology and Java. But the strategic and provocative thinking that made me get my paper & pen at 1 am, really caught my wife by surprise.

Very excited to turnaround this company! I'm going to strive for both ME and Co's success coming 2006 !

1 comment:

daubmir said...

Who gives a crock about proper English usage??? You've got Fowlers for that. So...

You have been unanimously chosen as a Total Timewaster and will be terminated as soon as possible, in order to free webspace from useless trash.
Thank you for your collaboration in wasting everybody’s time!

Happy termination,
[Timewasters Terminator]