Friday, October 13, 2006 opportunity

A friend of mine sent me this 20 Smart Companies to Start Now. As I scroll down the article, something made my eyes gleaned as I read this:

Text Ads on the Fly
The Investor: Charles Moldow, venture partner, Foundation Capital
What his firm's backed:, Netflix, Simply Hired
What he wants now:: Text-messaging software that allows local merchants to send offers to mobile phones. Some companies already do this in basic form; Moldow's idea would give merchants more control. "This is bringing the blue-light special to your phone," he says. Five or so people could write the code; a sales demon is also needed to enlist merchants. Prove that you can pull this off in one city and Moldow will listen to an expansion plan.
What he'll invest: $5 million for working technology

Just sent him desktopSMS BC's brochure and user manual as well as my sales pitch (so-to-speak). Well, we'll never know what would happen. Has mixed feeling currently. Anyhow, efforts continue prayers (and more efforts of course).

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