Tuesday, October 03, 2006

ONCE...my old camp diaries

Weekend in my hometown, browsing through the bookshelf I saw my 2 camp diaries. "How did they get here ?". I think I kept it somewhere else. So, I took it out and flipping thru the pages. I found a sheet of paper (maybe one of those camp assignment or something)..and best of all, my 15 years old passport sized photo. Hahahaa...can't really imagine that I was..errmm..that young and slim (and naive also).

These diaries are not the normal ordinary diaries. It started with my first mountain, Ledang in 1993. As my wife said, "too detail !"..hehehe...she must be bored to death with the details inside them. Well, every stop i put it there. So, some it may be hours difference, or by minutes.

The diaries extended from Ledang to every single camping that I went until my time in Kembara. But, not sure whether ITM's camps were in those diaries or different one. However, I've stopped writing the diaries towards my seniority in Kembara. And suddenly, my memory flashed back to the Nuang scene. Nuang has 2 most memorable incidents to me.

No 1 when I took my coursemate and junior, that's where I really find out who's who my real friend. Friend that can reason or not. No doubt I have my part on it, but there's so many better ways to solve it. In a more gentleman style I would say.

The second was with juniors. Before that, the first one got my gf-to-be (who's my dearie wife now) and the second got my gf-wanna-be. (it does make me wonder, in my naive look, same boots everyday, simple dress code, yet attract so many girls..well..many that I know..many that I don't then..which I know now..hehehe..). The juniors exp was a bit dark. It almost cost a few lifes. Alhamdulillah, they survived.

How I missed the greens. Smell of the jungle, the leaves, grass, mud, river..sound of crickets, mosquitos and river flow. It has been almost 6 years since my last camp or hike. Wonder when can I hike again...hmm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well.. I thought you have the opportunity on every 31 August rite? Just need some arrangement and preparation (mentally) only..