Thursday, February 23, 2006

ONCE...tasbih Mekah

Finally, manage to visit my mentor yesterday since he came back from Haj. Glad to meet him (as my wife put it, " suka la jumpa mentor dia tu.."). He gave me the tasbih that he brought along during his tawaf, and also taught me some zikr to be practised (amalkan); al-Ghani and al-Mughni.

We updated each other on current status and activities, future endeavour and friends'. Pity AK! He's being framed by his close-friend. Spent holidays together, know family well, being friend for a year or so (hope I heard him correctly). Then, when things turned ugly, report, take action and make sure he got what he deserved! Which is damaging his career, ruining his reputation and life. "Better don't fight with people." was my mentor's advice.

It made me think. As I don't have that many friends. Some friendship was formed while working together in projects or some business prospects. Some with my staffs. But, off recent, I was made to realized can't be friends (or perhaps close-friends) with your staffs (yes honey...i know u've reminded me on this for soooo many times..! :p ). To some extend, they may not respect you as a boss/leader..if they're still do, it's much lesser than what it is used to be before I became...or rather I made them my close-friend. It happened since the beginning of my career..and it took me 8 years to realize and accept it (with 4 years of ignorance of honey's advice)!

Well..better late than never! Need to learn slowly in changing that. As long as they're my staffs, DO NOT make them my friends (ex(s) will be an excuse la). The distinction has to be clear (sadly).

Back to my mentor, spent about 2 hours, got some advice and tips, tried to dwell on the current politics, but reading from his response, better stay away (or rather behind-the-scene) than exposing. "I'll call you when I'm free.", glad and scared also hearing that. Just like that morning..hehehe..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yup!! Btw.. need to tell you something... we must fight for our own selves. If we know that we stand on the ground of truth, why should we refrain from pursuing the truth. me friend... I say.. fight. Money and Career are nothing. Credibility matters.. This one must protect..

Salam Sejahtera