Wednesday, April 26, 2006

ONCE...balik lambat

This conversation occurred on Monday (26 April) around 6-8 pm in Shah Alam (sorry, can't translate it or it'll loose it's essence:

   'ny      : Ummi, abi mana mi?
   ummi   : abi tak balik lagi...
   'ny      : abi go mana mi ?
   ummi   : abi go opis la...
   'ny      : abi ni ! asyik balik lambat saje !
   siti yah : haa...nanti abi balik..habaq kat abi lagu tu !

I laughed when my wife told me. My daughter noticed and can complaint already that I always went back late. Mostly, she's asleep already...and if she awake in the morning when we send her to babysitter's house, she's lucky to see me! Can I change this ? They missed me!

There's one day, I reached home at 5:30 am. It was around 8 or 9 am, semi-concious I heard my daughter saying, "emmuaks..! sayang abi sebab abi balik..'ny rindu abi..." she hugged and kissed me while I'm lying on the bed. I remember my wife laughed her heart out hearing that..(and some nice morning lecture for me after that laa) hehehhee...

errr... if I went back early and they see me everyday..they won't be saying sweet stuffs like that isn't it ?

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